Dear Unknown Public Customer:
Our company is a wholesale business and we deal exclusively with the retailer/business owners only.
We can only conduct our business in a B2B (Business-To-Business) transaction only. We only deal with business owners who can take on our minimum annual purchase volume of $5k+. If you are from the general public, we thank you for your support. Please visit our retailers across Canada and US. If you wish to make your buying experience unique and pleasant, please Buy Locally. Your local vendors need your strong support in order to compete with those giant super stores and to be able to survive in this competitive marketplace.
If you are a business owner and wish to deal with us, please ensure you have a registered legal business entity. Please Click Here to download our Account Application (PDF) form.
You can also download our fillable application form in Excel Format here. After you fill it out, please fax it back to us @ 905-305-9160 in order for our customer service department to process your order immediately.
Please click here to Download our New Product Summary Sheet: New Product Summary Sheet for this year.
Please click here to dwnload our newest catalogue MSRP Version (E-Mail Version): Market Suggested Retail Price E-Mail Catalogue: 2024 V2.03 8 MB in file size.
Please follow us on the Facebook for the most Up-To-Date Market Trends and our Top Sellers per month.
You might also qualify for a 400-Litre Petro Canada Fuel Saving Card.

If you have any questions, you can always E-Mail us directly at [email protected]
Or, alternatively, you can also mail it to:
Ace Annison Ltd.
1300 Rodick Rd, Unit B,
Markham, ON, Canada
L3R 8C3